Here are the entire contents of the book in pdf format, for you to download, read and distribute. An earlier smaller 'taster' booklet, entitled Notes From Everywhere, produced in the summer of 2001, is also available here.
Chapter one Emergence: an irresistible global uprising - Notes from Nowhere Over the wall: so this is direct action! Tomorrow begins today: invitation to an insurection The Sans-Papiers: a woman draws the first lessons The Sweatshop and the Ivory Tower Reclaim the Streets: an arrow of hope Direct Action: Street Reclaiming Chapter two Networks: the ecology of the movements - Notes from Nowhere Dreaming of a Reality: Where the past and future meet the present Direct Action: Affinity Groups We Have the Time, You Have the Money: the French unemployed get busy Peoples Global Action: the grassroots go global Global Day of Action: Party and protests against free trade and the WTO Chapter three Autonomy: creating spaces for freedom - Notes from Nowhere Direct Action: Squatting Spaces Cutting the Wire: the landless movement of Brazil Cultivating Hope: the community gardens of New York City Power Generation: the protest villages of Thailand A Peace Message to the Public: words from the Assembly of the Poor Direct Action: Guerrilla Gardening Cremating Monsanto: genetically modified fields on fire Life Is Not Business: the intercontinental caravan Together We Start A Struggle: a speech by Brazils landless movement Chapter four Carnival: resistance is the secret of joy - Notes from Nowhere Global Day of Action: J18 - Carnival Ambushes Capital Dancing at the Edge of Chaos: a spanner in the works of global capitalism Carnival of the Oppressed: resisting the oil occupation of the Niger delta Direct Action:Disobedient Bodies Global Day of Action: N30 - Shut Down the WTO Not in Service: the tale of insurgent taxi drivers Direct Action: Organizing Chaos Infernal Noise: the soundtrack to insurrection Indymedia: dont hate the media, be the media Direct Action: Culture Jamming The Pranksters and the Golden Phallus: impersonating the WTO Disobedience Is Happiness: the art of Mujeres Creando Direct Action: The Pies the Limit The Water Is Ours, Damnit! Cochabambas water wars Global Day of Action: S26 - Balls to the IMF Its Got To Be Silver and Pink: on the road with Tactical Frivolity A River Comes To Prague: solidarity from Narmada Nice - If you could only breathe Chapter five Clandestinity: resisting state repression - Notes from Nowhere Civil Emergency: Zapatistas hit the road Direct Action: Jail Solidarity An April of Death: African students fight World Bank policies Kenyan Students Resist the World Bank Global Day of Action: A20 - FTAA, No Way! Quebec City The Bridge at Midnight Trembles Touching the Violence of the State Global Day of Action: J20 - You are G8, We are 6 Billion Genoa: the new beginnings of an old war Assassini: the day after Will a death in the family breathe life into the movement? Protecting the movement and its unity: a realistic approach Direct Action: Action Medical International Solidarity: accompanying ambulances in Palestine Chapter six Power: building it without taking it - Notes from Nowhere Durban Social Forum Declaration The Altered Landscape: reflections on the effects of 9/11 We Discovered We Werent Alone: surfing the net in Papua New Guinea N9 - WTO Retreats to the Desert Pots, Pans, and Popular Power: neighbourhood assemblies of Buenos Aires Direct Action: No Borders, No Nations We are Human Beings: the Woomera breakout Direct Action: Dismantling War Its great we are everywhere, we thought we were quite alone Forging links in Ozarow: Polish workers take back their factory Direct Action: Solidarity and Sabotage Were nothing, we want to be everything: a tale of self-management Fighting to win: the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty The Power of the Piqueteros: Argentinas movement of unemployed workers Global Day of Action: O12 - We Will Not be Recolonized Between the broken and the built: power to the neighbourhoods Chapter seven Walking we ask questions - Notes from Nowhere